Why Are We So Afraid Of Bugs?

May 13, 2023

What Scares Us So Much About Something So Tiny?

It's a common fear with a fancy name: Entomophobia, the fear of insects. It is one of the most common phobias in the Western world. If you experience a shiver of panic when you spot a leggy spider out of the corner of your eye or feel panic when you spot a fly crawling on your sandwich, that doesn't necessarily mean you have a full-blown phobia. Fear and disgust are natural reactions when we are confronted with creepy crawlies. Why? 

One reason we are frightened of bugs, which you can probably relate to, is we simply find them disgusting. Jeffrey Lockwood, an ecology professor at the University of Wyoming, says we have a "hardwired disgust reflex." We see them as disgusting for the unpredictable way they move, how their bodies are shaped so differently than ours, and the fact that they have many legs (sometimes hairy) and multiple eyes. We associate them with pestilence and disease, and we know that rotting matter and garbage are home to bugs, and we are disgusted. When we are disgusted, another response, a rejection response, is triggered. It's that feeling that says, "Get this thing away from me RIGHT NOW!" Not all bugs are disease carriers, stingers, biters, or poisonous, but the rejection response doesn't know that. In fact, researchers believe that humans evolved the fear of spiders and snakes to avoid potentially dangerous encounters with these creatures.

Another reason that bugs make us shiver and shake is that they are sneaky and small. They can easily hide from us, in our personal spaces, walls, under furniture, behind bookshelves, in our beds, inside our foot ware, and on US. Their deceptiveness makes them unpredictable, which makes us nervous. Stress is caused when we are surprised by opening a closet and having a moth fly out or flipping on a light to see bugs scuttling across the floor. The feeling is unpleasant, and we grow to fear repeating these experiences and knowing that insects are in our home, but not knowing exactly where puts our nerves on edge. Without hiring an extermination service, your next encounter with a creepy bug may be right around the corner, creating angst in the places you are supposed to feel safest.

Despite their tiny size, insects can also move disturbingly fast. Cockroaches, for example, have been clocked at moving up to 3.5 miles per hour, which is the same walking speed as a human. Even a harmless beetle scurrying across the table can trigger a fearful response in us: whatever that thing is, it's moving fast, making us feel like we need to move quickly to get away from it. The erratic movements of specific pests, notably spiders, frighten us because they are unfamiliar to us and ultimately unpredictable. 

Most of us have experienced the annoyance and ache of insect bites, from mosquitoes to wasps. Even though not all insects bite or sting, we know they can cause us harm, pain, itchiness, or bodily discomfort when we encounter a bug. Some spiders, like Black Widows, are known to be poisonous to us. Non-poisonous creatures, like Fire Ants, can cause severe pain or discomfort if they bite you. Common sense tells us to fear a bite.

Bugs as a whole have also long been associated with pestilence and disease. Mosquitoes, lice, fleas, and ticks transmit several diseases caused by infectious agents. Lyme disease, for example, is spread through ticks, and they also can transmit bacteria through bites. During tick and mosquito seasons, we are constantly warned by news agencies about the dangers they pose, reinforcing any fears we already have. 

There is another theory that our fear is based on childhood trauma. We look to our parents for comfort and support, but what happens when negative reactions are introduced? Fears and phobias can be learned behaviors from family members. That loud shriek coming from the kitchen may have a lifelong effect on a child. 


Insects and humans share this planet, but that doesn't mean you must share your home with them. If you're tired of living in fear, contact 1st Defense Pest Solutions. We offer the best pest control programs, using the most current methods and affordable pricing. Our experienced team has the know-how and the tools to give our happy customers the peace of mind that comes with knowing their home is pest-free.

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